Benefits of Membership
Gain Access to Accredited, High Quality Teacher Education for Music Teachers
One of the benefits of AOSA and/ or IOSA membership is Orff Schulwerk Teacher Education. Without the coordination of the Teacher Education Review Committee and the Education Director, there would be no standards for Orff Schulwerk Teacher Education and accredited courses spanning the country. Although these courses are available to all, it is the structure and organization of our national organization that maintains the high quality of these courses and their instructors.
One of the benefits of AOSA and/ or IOSA membership is Orff Schulwerk Teacher Education. Without the coordination of the Teacher Education Review Committee and the Education Director, there would be no standards for Orff Schulwerk Teacher Education and accredited courses spanning the country. Although these courses are available to all, it is the structure and organization of our national organization that maintains the high quality of these courses and their instructors.
Other Membership Benefits of AOSA/ IOSA include:
- Camaraderie with life-long friends
- Attendance and connection to one another at local and national professional development conferences
- Scholarship and grant opportunities
- A common philosophy that unites us all
- Access to national and world-renowned experts in our field
- Personal and professional growth
- AOSA members receive top-notch national publications (The Orff Echo, Reverberations )
- AOSA members receive resources at the AOSA Web site,
- AOSA members have access to the AOSA Video Library
What do you view as the benefits of your AOSA/IOSA membership?
Do you think of prestige or camaraderie? What about enhancing your musical or teaching abilities? What about the research you do when taking Orff Schulwerk Teacher Education Courses? Or the knowledge you gain from your teacher trainer? What words come to mind when you think of benefits?
- to give and receive
- to advocate for others
- to serve one another
- to provide financial assistance
- to strengthen through camaraderie
- to improve your professional skills and abilities
- to boost morale through your local chapters
- to advance and further the philosophy of Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman through AOSA
If you have not already done so, please consider attending an Orff-Schulwerk Teacher Education course or donating to AOSA. It is up to you and me to further this marvelous adventure. With the guidance of AOSA and the local chapter, you have already changed someone’s life – mine!